Capitalism: you hate it, you love it, you love to hate it, and you hate to love it. As the dominant, or at least most successful, economic system of the last 3-5 centuries (depending how you want to define capitalism ), it has been an integral part of the socioeconomic fabric for innumerable successes and tragedies. For almost any take you might conceive someone having on capitalism, if you look around enough, you’ll likely find someone has already written about it (maybe even this one!). A common trope, of course, is the “greedy capitalist,” the evil banker or industrialist or business owner ruthlessly exploiting those beneath them for their own profit. Gordon Gekko infamously lauded the goodness of greed , kicking off a generation of bloodthirsty blue-shirted hostile takeover artists who saw economics in brutal Darwinian terms. Blue shirt + white collar + power tie + suspenders + gold Cartier = hide ya assets, hide ya balance sheet, hide ya sales project...
I go through life looking at everything objectively and rationally, whether I like it or not. You can come too.